## HDFS - Why Another FileSystem? HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) takes care of all the storage related complexities in Hadoop. Why is there a need for another file system like HDFS? ### File System ![[file-system-hdfs.png]] File system is an integral part of every operating system, it basically governs the storage in your hard disk. For example, you give a person a book and you give another person pile of unordered papers from the same book, then ask each of them to go to chapter 34. Who do you think will get to chapter 34 faster? The one with the book because he can simply go to the index, look for chapter 34 look up the page number and go to the page. Whereas the one with the pile of papers has to go through the pile of papers and if he is lucky he might find chapter 34. Just like a well-organized book, a file system helps to navigate the data that is stored in your storage. Without the file system, the information stored in your hard disk will be one large body of data, but no way to tell where one piece of information stops and the next begins. There are some of the major functions of a file system. File system controls how the data is stored and retrieved. Basically, when you read and write files to your hard disk your request goes through a file system. Next, file system has the metadata about your files and folders. Metadata information like file name, size, owner, created/modified time, etc. File system also takes care of permissions and security. File system manages your storage space, so when you ask to write a file to hard disk file system helps figure out where in the hard disk it should write the file. And it should write the file as efficiently as possible. ### Different File Systems The most legendary file system from Microsoft is FAT32. Maximum file size that a Fat32 file system can support is 4GB. If we have a file which is 5GB in size, we're out of luck with FAT32 and it has a 32GB volume limit or a logical drive limit. Thefore, our drive can be of size 32GB and not more with FAT32. The size limits can be more or less based on the file system configuration. So, if we use windows 95 or 98, we probably use FAT32. Next generation file system from Windows after FAT32 is NTFS (New Technology File System) and it supports 16 Exabyte file and volume limit of 16 Exabyte, that is a very huge number, which is 1024 Petabytes. Therefore, NTFS can clearly support huge volume of data. Starting Windows Server 2012, Windows introduced ReFS (Resilient File System). How about file systems from MAC? HFS (Hierarchical File System) is a legacy file system from Mac Apple that started using HFS+ from MAC OS 8.1 and above. For example, if we used iPod, we would have used HFS+. HFS+ can also handle a huge volume of data up to 8 Exabytes in size. Now, that is about Linux, ext is the most popular file system in Linux. ext3 is the third generation file system in use since 2001, then came ext4. ext4 can support individual file sizes up to 16 Terabytes and volumes up to 1 Exabyte. Next, XFS is created by Silicon Graphics and it can support up to 8 exabytes in file and volume limit. We look up your file system in Linux with command `df -T`. Clearly, we have file systems where we can store big data sets. Then, what is the need for HDFS? From section Understanding Big Data Problem of [Apache Hadoop and Big Data article](Apache%20Hadoop%20and%20Big%20Data.md), we know that to support truly parallel computation, we had to divide the data set into blocks and store them in different nodes And to recover from data loss, we also replicated each block in more than one node. ![[hadoop-distributed-file-system.png]] Assume that we have a 10 node cluster and we have ext4 as the file system on each node like the above image. We will refer ext4 on each node as the local file system. The first task of our proposed file system is when we upload a file to this proposed file system, we need the file system to divide the data set into fixed size, i.e. blocks. Although every file system has a concept of blocks, the concept of blocks and HDFS is very different when compared to the blocks and traditional file systems. We will see the differences in other article :)). Next, our file system should have a distributed view of the files or blocks in the cluster which is not possible with our local file system which is ext4. As shown in the above image, our local ext4 file system on Node 1 has no idea what is on Node 2. Similarly, Node 2 has no idea of what is in Node 1. Since the ext4 file systems in both Node 1 and Node 2 are local to each node, there is no way they can have a global or distributed view of the entire 10 node cluster. That is why we say the ext4 on individual nodes as local file systems. Next important thing is replication which adds a lot of complexity. Since ext4 in Node 1 has no idea about storage in any other node, it does not have the ability to replicate blocks in Node 1 to the other nodes. Therefore, we are exposed to data loss. Now, assume we have a file system on top of ext4 but only this time it spreads across all the nodes. We call that file system, Hadoop Distributed File System Then, when you upload a file to HDFS it will automatically be split into 128MB-fixed size blocks. In the older versions of Hadoop, the file was divided into 64MB-fixed size blocks. HDFS takes care of placing the blocks in different nodes and also take care of replicating each block into more than one node. By default, hdfs replicates a block to three nodes. If we copy a 700 MB dataset into HDFS, HDFS will divide the data set into 128MB blocks. Thus, we will have 5 equal sized 128MB block and one 60MB block. Since hdfs has a distributed view of the cluster, it can easily decide which nodes should hold these 6 blocks and also pick the nodes to hold the replicated blocks HDFS will continue to creep track of all the blocks and their node assignments all the time. So when a user asked about the 700 MB data set, it knows how to construct the file from the blocks. HDFS, by no means, is a replacement for the local file system. Our operating systems still rely on the local file system. In fact, the operating system does not care about the presence of HDFS. One more interesting thing, HDFS should still go through ext4 to save the blocks in the storage. Hence, HDFS is placed on top of the local file system. The true power of HDFS is that it is spread across all the nodes in the cluster and it has a distributed view of the cluster. And hence it knows how to construct the 700 MB data set in the example from the underlying blocks whereas the ext4 does not have a distributed view and only knows about the blocks in its storage that it is managing. ### Benefits of HDFS - HDFS supports the concept of blocks: When you upload a file into HDFS, the file is divided into fixed size blocks to support distributed computation and that is the key for Hadoop. Also HDFS keeps track of all the blocks in the cluster - Data failures or data corruption are inevitable in any big data environment, even in small environments. HDFS maintains data integrity and help recover from data loss by replicating the blocks in more than one node. - HDFS supports scaling: if we like to expand our cluster by adding more nodes, it's very easy to do with HDFS. - Cost effective: we don't need any specialized hardware to run or operate HDFS and this is very important because we are refering about potentially hundreds of nodes. HDFS was built ground up to work with commodity computers. ## Blocks All files will be divided into blocks and will be replicated three times by default across the nodes in the cluster in HDFS. Let's do an experiment on Windows, we can create a very small text file, name it as `test.txt`, then add just some senctences into the text file and save the text file. Now, when we right-click and click the properties of the text file. A popup will appear as shown as the below photo. ![[file-size-vs-block-size.png]] The size of the file is 1.34 KB but the size on the disk for this file is 4 KB. Why the file is taking 4 KB on the disk when the actual size of the file is only 4 bytes? Because 4 KB is the block size or cluster size of the operating system in our computer which is NTFS. So 4 KB are multiples of 4 KB is the minimum amount of space that the file system will assign to a file. If the file size is 2 KB it will still take up 4 KB on disk leaving the 2kb unused and this 2 KB cannot be reused for anything else, leaving them unused forever. If the file size is 8 KB it will take up 8 KB that is 2 4KB-blocks. And if the file size is 13 KB, it will take up 16 KB or 4 blocks leaving 3 KB unused again this 3 KB cannot be reused, leaving them unused forever. Therefore, 4 KB are multiples of 4 KB is the minimum amount of space the file system can assign at any given. Now considering to HDFS, the configured block size of your hdfs in your Hadoop cluster is 256 MB. And we uploaded a file which is 1 MB in size. We may guess that HDFS allocates 256 MB to store a 1MB file leaving 255 MB unused. That is not correct. It would be a lot of space wasted. As mentioned from the previous section, we know that HDFS is not a replacement to the local file system and all the blocks are physically stored in the local file system even though the file uploaded to HDFS is divided into blocks. These blocks are stored in the hard disk which is managed by the local file system, which means in the hard disk, the file will be stored as per the block size of the local file system. So if we have a cluster in which the local file system is ext4 for instance and with a block size of 4 KB to store a 1MB file which is 1024 KB, we would need 256 of 4KB blocks which is exactly 1 MB to store the file in ext4. If the file size is 1025 KB for instance, we would need 257 of 4 KB blocks leaving 3 KB in the last block unused. Even though HDFS has a block size, the space allocated for the file on the disk will still obey the rules of the local file system. For that reason, HDFS will not allocate 256 MB to store a 1MB file. There are some questions. If the blocks are stored by underlying local file system. Why are HDFS block size so huge like 128 MB or 256 MB as compared to 4 KB of block size in the local file system? Why don't we keep it as 4 KB? When the block size is huge, the OS will attempt to store the file in contiguous blocks on the disk. If the blocks are in contiguous locations, both reads and writes will be faster because the blocks are laid out next to each other as the disk head doesn't have to seek and position itself over and over again for blocks as they are stored contiguously. This is a huge benefit as the read and writes will be very efficient. However, it is very important to note that OS will attempt to write big files in contiguous location but it does not guarantee that. If storing big files are advantageous in terms of read and write efficiency, why do we have to split the files into blocks at all? Why don't we store the file as a whole? By dividing the files into blocks, we can store data set of any size and not limited to size of the volume of any individual hard disk. As mentioned in the previous section, each file system has its own volume limit. For example, NTFS file system has a volume limitation of 16 Exabytes. So if we have a data set which is 17 Exabytes in size. We cannot store that file on a hard disk as a whole. But by dividing the data set into blocks, we can store the blocks across many nodes in the cluster. Also dividing a data set to blocks and replicating the blocks offer redundancy and fault tolerance. Asuming that we have a file which is well within the size of the hard disk and we decide to store the file as a whole instead of dividing them into blocks and decide to replicate the file as a whole three times. The below image illustrate that. Now we have one file replicated into three nodes: Node 1, Node 2 and Node 3. In an event where all three nodes crash, we would lose the file. ![[3-crashes.png]] We can consider to another scenario where we divide the same file and into five blocks and store each block in a different node with the replication factor of 3. The blocks could be stored as much as up to 15 nodes across the cluster, as shown in the below image. Hence, to physically lose the file all 15 nodes would have to crash, which is less likely as compared to three nodes going down at once. ![[15-crashes.png]] ## Working with HDFS There are some well-known commands to work with a local file system in Linux. ``` ls - to list a content in a directory mkdir - to create a directory cp - to copy mv - to move rm - to delete ``` And there are some HDFS commands which always start with `hdfs`. Listing root directory ``` hadoop fs -ls / ``` Listing default to home directory ``` hadoop fs -ls hadoop fs -ls /user/dungho ``` Create a directory in HDFS ``` hadoop fs -mkdir hadoop-test1 ``` Copy from local FS to HDFS ``` hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /tmp/stocks.csv hadoop-test1 ``` Copy from HDFS to local FS ``` hadoop fs -copyToLocal hadoop-test1/stocks.csv . hadoop fs -ls hadoop-test1 ``` Create 2 more directories ``` hadoop fs -mkdir hadoop-test2 hadoop fs -mkdir hadoop-test3 ``` Copy a file from one folder to another ``` hadoop fs -cp hadoop-test1/stocks.csv hadoop-test2 ``` Move a file from one folder to another ``` hadoop fs -mv hadoop-test1/stocks.csv hadoop-test3 ``` Check replication ``` hadoop fs -ls hadoop-test3 ``` Change or set replication factor ``` hadoop fs -Ddfs.replication=2 -cp hadoop-test2/stocks.csv hadoop-test2/test_with_rep2.csv hadoop fs -ls hadoop-test2 hadoop fs -ls hadoop-test2/test_with_rep2.csv ``` Changing permissions ``` hadoop fs -chmod 777 hadoop-test2/test_with_rep2.csv ``` File system check - requires ad previleges ``` sudo -u hdfs hdfs fsck /user/dungho/hadoop-test2 -files -blocks -locations sudo -u hdfs hdfs fsck /user/dungho/hadoop-test3 -files -blocks -locations sudo -u hdfs hdfs fsck /user/ubuntu/input/yelp/yelp_academic_dataset_review.json -files -blocks -locations vi /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml /data/1/dfs/dn/current/BP-2125152513- ``` Delete directories/files in HDFS ``` hadoop fs -rm hadoop-test2/test_with_rep5.csv hadoop fs -rm -r hadoop-test1 hadoop fs -rm -r hadoop-test2 hadoop fs -rm -r hadoop-test3 ``` ## HDFS - Read & Write Copying from local to HDFS does a write operation to HDFS because from the local file system we are writing a file into HDFS. Whereas copy from HDFS to local does a read operation because it reads a file from HDFS and write it to the local file system. We know that a file or data set is divided into chunks of blocks and stored across the nodes in the cluster. Imagining that we are the client and we are trying to read a file from HDFS and how do we know where the blocks are physically stored? ![[hadoop-nodes.png]] A Hadoop cluster has two types of nodes. The first type of node and the most important node in the hadoop cluster is called the name node, also known as the master. The second type of node is known as the data node also known as the slave. The master node has the metadata of HDFS meaning it has all the infomation about: list of files, the list of blocks, who created the files, when a file got created, when it was modified, the permission of the files, etc. In other words, it has all the information about hdfs and what is in HDFS. Hence, name node is a very important node in the cluster. Name node does not store the actual files or data sets. The files or data sets are stored in another type of nodes called the data nodes data nodes also known as the slaves stores the physical blocks for the files in HDFS. Usually there is only one active name node in the cluster and we can have as many data nodes as we like in the cluster depending on the amount of data we would like to store in HDFS. In short, if we take a file in HDFS, the data nodes will store the actual physical blocks for that file. Whereas the name node knows the list of blocks that make up the file and the list of data nodes that stores the blocks for that file and also information about the file like who created it, when it was created, its permissions, etc. ### Read operation For example, we want to read a file from HDFS and the file is made up of 10 blocks. We execute `hadoop fs -copyToLocal` command from one of the data nodes in the cluster to copy the file from HDFS to the local file system. When we execute `hadoop fs -copyToLocal`, a Java program is executed behind the scenes which does a series of operations to read the file from HDFS. All these operations happens behind the scenes and it is intransparent to us. ![[copy-operation.png]] The above image shows step by step what happens behind the scenes. First the client program trying to read the file will contact the name node to get the list of block locations for the file. If the replication factor for the file is 3, then for each block, the name node will return address of all three data nodes that stores a copy of the actual block. When the name node returned the list of data nodes that has a copy for each block, it also sorts the data node in terms of proximity to the client requesting the read. Thus, the client can read the block from the closest data node. #### What is node proximity? If you have 100 nodes in the cluster, how does the client know which node is the closest one in a Hadoop cluster? The data nodes are physically organized into racks, the data nodes in a rack are connected to one another and all the racks in the cluster are connected to one another. ![[_assets/node-proximity.png]] Let's consider to the example showing in the above image, we have two racks: Rack 1 and Rack 2. And our client who is trying to read the file is running on Rack 1 - Data Node 2. There will be 3 replicas for a block: for example, the first replica is stored in Rack 1 - Data node 2, the second replica is stored in Rack 1 - Data node 6 and the third replica in Rack 2 - Data node 5. Now Rack 1 - Data Node 2 is considered the closest data node to the client because the client is also running on the same node. The next closest node to the client will be the node which is on the same rack, in this case, it will be Rack 1 - Data Node 6. The next closest node to the client will be the node which is on a different rack in this case it will be Rack 2 - Data node 5. If the client runs on a data node which does not hold a copy of the block and if we have two data nodes on the same rack which holds the replica of the block then one of the data nodes from the same rack will be chosen at random. In essence, the closest node to the client is a node on the same rack as the client and the next closest node is a node on a different rack. For the read operation, the client will reach out to the data node which is closest and start reading the block. Once it is done reading block number 1, it will move on to block number 2 and then block number 3 and so on. ![Read Operation Crash](images/HDFS/read-operation-crash.png) For a crash scenario, client is reading block number 3 and the data node it is trying to read from is not responding. The client will take a note of the data node which is not responding, it will not try to reach the same data node again for the current read operation. And it will move on to the next data node that has the copy of the block from the list sent by the name node. Therefore, even when a data node is down during the read operation, the read operation continued to progress without any issues. ### Write Operation ![[read-operation.png]] Now, we want to write a file to HDFS using `hadoop fs -copyFromLocal` command. Behind the scenes, when a client request a write operation, it will request the name node to allocate blocks for the file and the list of data nodes for each block where the replicas for each block needs to be stored. The name node will do few checks to make sure whether the user requesting the right operation has proper permission to do so and whether the file name already exists in the directory etc. When all the checks are okay, it will proceed with the block allocation. The name node will now have to come up with a list of data nodes. While picking the data nodes to store the replica, the name node will pick the data nodes which are not busy and has enough space to hold the blocks. #### Replica Placement ![[Replica Placement.png]] To pick the data nodes to store the replicas for each block, the name node will use a replica placement strategy. The default replica placement strategy will work like this: - The first replica will be written on the same node as the client requesting the right. - The second replica will be placed on a random data node on a different rack from the first one. - The third replica will be placed on a data node which is chosen at random on the same rack as the second one. When the nodes are selected, a data pipeline, as shown in the above image, is formed and the data for the block will be written in the form of packets. The first node will then store the packet and pass it on to the second node. And once the packet is stored on the second node it will be passed on to the third node. Once all three nodes stored the packet, an acknowledgement will be sent back indicating a successful write of the packet. once all the packets for the blocks are written the write operation will move on to the next block. ![[_assets/write-operation.png]] For example, the block we are writing is named Block 123. While writing Block 123 on Node 2, Node 2 suddenly went down in the middle of the write operation. How do we handle this failure? First the packets for Block 123 are moved to the front so that Node 3 will not miss those packets. Next, the block name will be changed. If we keep the block name as Block 123 when Node 2 finally recovers, it will claim that it has Block 123. But the Block 123 is not complete since Node 2 went down in the middle of the write operation. Assuming that block name will be changed to Block 456. Hence, when Node 2 recovers and claims that it has Block 123, the name node will know that Block 123 is non-existent and will order Node 2 to remove Block 123. The parameter `dfs.namenode.replication.min` indicates the minimum number of replications that is needed for a block, by default, it is one. In case of such failure, the write operation will succeed as long as the block is returned to at least one node. Later, the name node will coordinate with the data nodes and arrange to write the missing replicas. ## References - [HDFS Architecture](http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/tags/release-0.19.2/docs/hdfs_design.pdf) - https://hadoop.apache.org/ - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Hadoop - [Hadoop: The Definitive Guide: Storage and Analysis at Internet Scale](https://www.amazon.com/Hadoop-Definitive-Storage-Analysis-Internet/dp/1491901632/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2LTQHKE9WNBNC&keywords=Hadoop&qid=1657604708&sprefix=hadoop%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-2) --- <!-- cta --> ### Contributing At Dwarves, we encourage our people to read, write, share what we learn with others, and [[CONTRIBUTING|contributing to the Brainery]] is an important part of our learning culture. For visitors, you are welcome to read them, contribute to them, and suggest additions. 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